Friday, April 29, 2005

Music and Safeguards

The music industry is becoming so worried about piracy, that they are installing a ridiculous amount of safeguards on the albums being sold to the public.

A WARNING:THIS CAN HAPPEN TO YOU-- On Tues April 26, I went out to Best Buy and bought the new Acceptance album Phantoms. I got back and popped on the computer and put the CD in. I then went to iTunes to upload it to my ipod and found out it didn't work. Starting to get pissed off, I then found out I needed to install a program from the CD just so it can be read on my machine. This first part took 10 min. The disc then allowed you to make 3 hard copies using their softaware and also upload the songs to digital tracks as a wmv file (this actually was a cool feature, BUT the only way I could listen to the tracks on the Windows Media Player.) This was about another 10 min. I then thought I would try iTunes again with the digital tracks, but the tracks could not be converted into a useable iTunes format-another 5 min. later. After crushing my drums for a couple of minutes, I looked to see if I can return the CD and so it turns out I can exchange it. I also had to buy the album of iTunes for it to work on my ipod.

The point is, music is not about the money, because if you are good enough, you will have fans actually go out and buy the album and spread the word. Stay on the road and do some tours and you will find out that you will make money. For bands and other crappy "pop" musicians who are in it for the money, I strongly urge you to re-evaluate your decision, but also watch the South Park episode with Cartman's Christian rock band Faith + One. It is directly aimed at you, and although I laughed my ass off, you might not. If you want, you can probably download it for free.

The music industry needs to think about the patrons. Albums should not be so safeguarded so that you need to digitally upload the tracks just to hear them on your computer, or have to purchase it twice (CD and iTunes) just to get it on an ipod and CD player. Rumors have circulated that this new safeguarding tool will be used on all albums shortly. And if it does, may the Lord have mercy on our souls.

BTW- The Acceptance album Phantoms was awesome. I encourage all Alternative Rock fans to go and check it out. To all Acceptance fans, it lives up to the expectations. On it they also re-recorded "Permanent" from Black Lines to Battlefields so the vocals are about the same, but the guitars, bass, and drums are more meatier than before.



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