Friday, April 29, 2005

The Decline of Media- Fuse and Y100

As most of you already know, most music entertainment is based on the crap that most braindead people listen to. MTV sucks, VH1 was never good, and now my beloved Fuse has started to turn more to the dark side. Fuse came out almost 2 years ago to replace the crappy network called Much Music which originated in Canada and migrated to the US. From these ruins a network was born- and started out as a full blown rock music network. Everytime I turned Fuse on, all I saw were great videos streaming across America, entertaining me and the other fans of the world. I don't exactly remember when, but sometime in their second year, the formatting of that network began to change for the worse. More crap began to air. Although Fuse is still about 85-90% or more rock, with Steven's Untitled Rock Show (now 1 hr), Rockzilla, Uranium, Power Fuse (4 or 5 hrs), and #1 Countdown-Rock, it is disheartening to me that a network that used to be 110% Rock would have to stoop to this level to gain more viewers.

I also don't know how many people are aware of this story, but the alternative rock radio station Y100 (100.3) in Philadelphia, which was popular in the Delaware Valley area, was thrown off the air for reasons that are illogical. Apparently the company Radio One took it over and left the people high and dry without a single Alternative Rock station. Well, they are fighting back- they made a website where you can sign a petition. They are looking for support and need your help. An online radio station was created by the people from Y100. Fortunately, I live where I can get K ROCK, G106.3, and jumbled WMMR, because if I where these people, I would probably be screwed and extremely pissed. to find out all about the story in detail and the petition. SPREAD THE WORD

If the trend of this decline in media of rock continues, the world will be a shittier, more angry place. It is up to us rock devotees to help out where we can and stop the destruction of our music.



Blogger beakerkin said...

You allready got a catch phrase that is good. Now remember Music Videos are not as old as you think.
The late Saul and I shot a few when it was a new art form. I can't find a copy but 2% Goat was a bizzare Heavy Metal group.

4/29/2005 12:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

the music video stations (except mvt) are not that old but the videos were started in the 1980s

4/29/2005 12:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I sincerly doubt it. I'm looking into either phamecuticals or forensic chemistry. Like I mentioned in my profile, music is my passion and I like speaking my mind on the issues that matter.

4/29/2005 9:09 PM  
Blogger Warren said...

I was so disapointed with MTV et al, I remember watching their first video, "Video Killed the Radio Store".

I thought, it has to get better. It didn't.

Video didn't kill the radio store because, for the most part, the videos sucked.

I hate rap!

I asked a kid that was working with me how he could stand to listen and he said, "its not how it sounds, its how it makes you feel."

I told him, "then turn it off because it make me feel like bussen a cap in yo ass!" :-)

4/30/2005 9:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i know how you feel. my community is filled with the same braindead people who try and act all gangster and listen to that crap. the fact is music is about making people feel good but should also be about appreciation. ive been trying to write a good song, and its tough. whenever a good solo by Zakk Wylde is being blasted on my computer, I cant help but try to aspire to that level of intricacy on my guitar. Rap is not music-just slurred talking and profanity. There is no music ability whatsoever, and in the end their songs only last a month or 2. Some rock is timeless-I still hear AC/DC on the radio.

4/30/2005 10:36 AM  
Blogger beakerkin said...

Drum Master

You are on blogshares and two people bought shares of this blog.
Now see if you can get a blog roll
working ang you are ahead of groucho.

AC/DC had one Big hit Dirty Deeds
and it was replaced on the hit list by the title song from the Animated movie Heavy Metal. I saw that movie with a friend Brian in
Upstate NY . He went from pot head to a Rabbi so go figure.

4/30/2005 11:27 AM  
Blogger beakerkin said...

Somebody even reviewed your site on blogshares. He was high up there.

4/30/2005 11:31 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

believe it or not, i was the one who reviewed my own website. as for the blogroll, ive made an account and dont really understand the rest. and by the way youre forgetting their hit "Back in Black" which is still played on the radio in addition to "Highway To Hell" but their best songs are on the "Powerage" album which none are played on the airwaves now.

4/30/2005 11:49 AM  
Blogger beakerkin said...

I have the cassette with Back in Black somewhere in my collection.

AC& DC had a cult following a small dedicated group of fans and their music has survived the test of time. The music business is a funny thing some groups become more popular later then they were
when issued.

REO Speedwagon and Asia had albums that probably outsold any AC DC album. I don't think anyone except
Warren could name an Asia song without going to google. REO Speedwagon is a forgotten group. Styx is forgotten as is Cheap Trick
but both had plenty of fans.

Ronit killed my printer.I just fixed it.

4/30/2005 12:28 PM  
Blogger Warren said...

" I don't think anyone except
Warren could name an Asia song without going to google.

Name it, hell I got it on vinyl, plus a lot of stuff I'll bet you never heard of and some you heard of long after it was released but were never able to find.

At one time, my father, he's past now, was a professional musician. Anything with a string that didn't get played with a bow, or brass. But he loved the guitar. He was offered a permanent job in Nashville as a studio musician but mom put the kabosh to it.

When I was growing up, there was always music in the house. Everything stopped for Dick Clark's American Bandstand out of Philly.

I'm relegated to my harmonica and occasionally picking around on dads old acoustic guitar. I gave the electric stuff to my younger brother who is an amateur musician.

I can still hear dad yelling at him "What are you doing to my guitar?"... "Playing, Smoke on the Water, dad!"... Dad said, "Sounds like @#$% on the guitar, to me!"

Dad never was one to show unwarranted praise.

4/30/2005 7:47 PM  
Blogger Warren said...

Got to rambling on, senilaty doncaknow.

The blogroll thing. Beaks talking about your links. To change or add you have to go into your blogs template and edit it.

Instructions HERE

4/30/2005 7:59 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Cheap Trick is still being played on the radio as well as REO Speedwagon, for us Jerseyans on I believe 94.3 the point which is mainly listened to an older generation than me. As for Styx, I'd agree that they are forgotten. The classic Deep Purple is in a comeback, finishing a tour last year.

4/30/2005 8:40 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

for the blogroll account and the sidebar links already on the site, is it the same thing because i already posted a few links on the website.

4/30/2005 8:42 PM  
Blogger Warren said...

Cream has reformed to do a single concert in Albert Hall. Tickets on ebay, if you can aford $3000 and round trip airfare.

Don't think so!

4/30/2005 8:46 PM  
Blogger Warren said...

Yea he meant the links, same same. I don't know about an account. Blogshares ranks you by your outgoing and incomming active links. I belive that is what the Beak meant.

4/30/2005 8:51 PM  
Blogger Warren said...

Don't feel pressured to put up a link to my blog. Look at it first, you might not want to link it.

I would'nt be offended.

4/30/2005 9:01 PM  
Blogger beakerkin said...

Drum Master

Somebody bought some shares in your blog. I know that you got 10 shares of my blog. 39 cents is way too much

In its day Styxx was much more popular then AC/DC , Reo Speed Wagon or Cheap Trick. There was a long period of time where the Doors
were forgotten. Time is funny but
plenty of bands were big and are now on the ash heap.

Believe it or not the Partridge family was huge. You find one song on the oldies. There were plenty of obscure bands like the Electric Prunes. A Brittish specialty band
that was into gospell.

4/30/2005 9:20 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

it was 33 at the time i think and it went up

4/30/2005 10:01 PM  
Blogger beakerkin said...

I understand why I can't get into blogshares . I have to install the symbol. By the way your CitzCom stock is up to 26 cents a share.
You made 6 dollars. Keep an eye on it. JB got a good laugh.

4/30/2005 11:51 PM  

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