Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Case Against (C)Rap: Volume II

I dedicate this segment to concerts/live performances.

I go to concerts frequently- they are my favorite thing to see. Whether it's Black Label Society, Thursday, or Taking Back Sunday, I know that these guys are going to give their all and perform their asses off for my entertainment by playing the songs I like. The same applies to jazz, blues, and even folk/country artists. The crowd gets into the music and so do the artists.

Rap is a whole different ball game. Even Steve Harvey agrees (check his skit in The Original Kings Of Comedy) that Rap sucks. When you pay to see a rapper, they bring their entourage and there are a ton of people yelling the same shit. Call me crazy, but you couldn't pay me $1,000,000 to go within 5 miles of that.

I am not sure if rappers have multiple people play different sets, but in my shows, there are often 2-4 extra bands that play about a 25-35 minute set each. The headliners I have seen range from 45 min-1hr and 20min. They are not stingy when playing their hits and pleasing the fans. Most of the time, you might find a band that really sucks (Like Yesterday is one that I highly suggest that you stay away from) or a band that can headline in the future (Scatter The Ashes for those who like mostly instrumental).

When a concert is really good, you'll come out with a ton of songs stuck in your head, sweat soaked, and maybe battered (from the mosh pit or crowd surfing). My best show was in November and it was freezing outside. We didn't bring jackets because they end up smelling like smoke. We also had to wait outside for about 1/2 an hour. By the end I was sweating my ass off, and on the way home I had the windows rolled down to get cooler. Thanks TBS and Atreyu. I highly doubt rap can do that.

END OF ROUND 2: ME (2), RAP (-2)


Blogger beakerkin said...

Rap early in the morning shiuld be criminal. The guy next door played it after yours trully was out on the prowl. I was cool about it and told the kid next door no rap before 10am.

7/03/2005 9:53 AM  
Blogger Warren said...

"I was cool about it and told the kid next door no rap before 10am.

An armed society is a polite society!


7/04/2005 2:32 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

rap at anytime is a travesty upon society. btw, i'm working on the links. i think the whole internet problem is solved now. Huzzah!

long time no see. hope you had a kick ass July 4 (same goes to the beak).

7/06/2005 6:37 PM  
Blogger Warren said...

Sorry Drummaster,
I started to make a post the other day but lost the damned thing in cyberspace. Let me check my bloger account and see if I can find it again. I compose in there to save time.

Nope, lost it.

Essentially what I said was that I heard several cRap recordings in the early 70s. They were on vinyl, recorded in NYC and brought back to a military post.

The brutha that brought them back played them nonstop for a day and 1/2. By that time I was getting a little psychotic and threatened to throw him, the record player and the records out the window. He decided that he couldn't fly.

They were basically the same monotonous BS that they are today but the only accompaniment was a backbeat and the subject matter was "how Whitey keep the Brutha down".

Same twisted rhyme scheme and added voice for emphasis which was usually on the words 'nigga, triga and bigga'.

Saw a UFO last night, no kidding.

7/07/2005 10:10 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i was not aware that they played at the concert. maybe i would have kept it on, but i shut it off after about 2 seconds of Will Smith. deep purple is a classic band, and although i didn't see them live last year when they went on tour, i'm glad to see they still got it; much like Judas Priest.

Family Guy is one of the top shows on TV (in addition to American Dad, South Park, Simpsons, House, CSI, Futurama, and Mad Money) and my personal favorite. if you have cartoon network, turn it on at 11 PM to catch all the first three seasons, plus the new stuff (sun and thurs repeat the new ones) on sun-thurs. TBS also airs it but they switch the times on me. no matter how many times i see the show, it never gets old.

i feel your pain, although it wasn't a day and 1/2. about the UFO, get any good pictures? Also on the subject, did you catch War Of The Worlds? in my opinion an ok picture, but Batman was better.

7/07/2005 10:57 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

LOL. i am not anti- Will Smith, but his music.

i liked Men In Black, Independence Day, I Robot, and Fresh Prince

7/08/2005 5:08 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i love playing the guitar. what equipment do you use? i also play the drums, but this instrument is very unique depending on who's playing it. everyone has their own style and favorite key and all that stuff.

i can relate to you about the latin guitarists. the first time i heard and saw them, i too was in awe. something else that awed me were the classically trained guitarists who made their own songs. the latin players are extremely gifted and obviously know a lot about theory. most of them fingerpick, which you should know when mastered, makes music more intricate. most of them also play on the classical acoustic guitars which has the larger neck, longer fretboards, and nylon treble strings. i find these guitars the toughest to play out of all of them, but they make it look easy.

one reason i like metal is the intricacy of the instrumentals. even death metal has insanely good instrumentals (not so much on the vocal performance like the 80s).

7/08/2005 6:19 PM  
Blogger Warren said...

I love guitar music, most of my favorites have guitar solos. (most people think my favorites are depressing too).

My dads favorite instrument was the guitar even though his primary instrument as a professional was a trombone. He gave me his acoustic shortly before he died.

Looking back at my post, its getting kind of depressing too! LOL

About the UFO,
Didn't get any pictures and it was so faint to start with I doubt there would have been anything recognizable except for about two seconds worth.

I had just gotten done with my part time job, it was about 10:30 PM. The sky was cloudless. I was talking to my friend who is also the owner of the business that I work part time for and looking at the sky.

I like to watch the sky at night and I always have. I've seen a few UFOs, which really just means unidentified.... I've seen quite a few meteors and I know what they look like and how they act, I've even seen one explode (so I know what that looks like). This was different.

There were two airplanes visible in the sky at the time to compare it to. One was flying high, from south to north (to the east of us), the other was traveling in a northeastern direction(also to the east). You could see their lights, (white, blue and red).

This object was fainter and had a slightly orange tint. It was extremely high and traveling about twice the speed of the planes, coming from the west in a long curve to the south.

It was almost headed due south and about 15 degrees from straight over head when it seemed to explode in a bright bluish light about 50 times its previous size. The flash/explosion looked similar to a bow tie in shape with the wings of it in the front and back of the UFO.

I expected to see burning or glowing pieces ejected from the "explosion", (like you would if a meteor exploded), but their weren't any. It contracted immediately back to its original size and looked the same as it did before, heading due South.

When it flashed, I said "Shit! It exploded!". My friend looked up where I was pointing but it had already contracted by the time he saw it. We watched it for about 15 seconds then it gradually seemed to grow dimmer, then disappeared. It was only about 20 degrees toward the South from straight overhead and it should have still remained visible for quite a while.

7/08/2005 11:47 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i definately need to look at the sky more often. this kind of stuff could have easily happened by me without anyone noticing. in my suburban hometown, all the backyards are dark giving the perfect view.

about your favorite song(s), whatever it (they) is (are), it doesn't matter if the song is depressing to others, it's what it makes you, the listener feel when listening to it. i cannot pick out one particular song that stands above the rest, but AC/DC's "Riff Raff" from POWERAGE gives me goosebumps everytime i hear Angus Young perform his kick ass solo. most 80s thrash metal like the good Metallica and the late Pantera (RIP Dimebag) have some depressing lyrics (Sanitarium, One, Fade To Black, Cemetery Gates), but the solos can put anyone in a good mood.

7/09/2005 1:25 AM  

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