Saturday, May 14, 2005

Over $300 Later

Finally I got myself some recording software. Today I tried using one of those crappy, small tape-recorders to record my guitar, and then listen to it to get a drum beat. It was nearly impossible to hear with the speakers all the way up and the sound was so distorted that it hurt my hears. I eventually did get a beat. I'm pleased at the sound so far, and I'm trying to write lyrics based on the book 1984. Over the summer, I hope to get some people over and get recording. I've been shopping around for awhile and liked what I saw at and I placed my order. I can't wait to finally get to hear my songs on my computer. It's going to kick ass. Alright, I'm going to write some lyrics. If anybody's got good ideas for songs, let me know.



Blogger beakerkin said...

Did I ever tell you about my buddy
Simon who cut his demo album. It was the worst thing I ever heard.

Simon holds the record for being slaped the most times by sisters.
He got slapped by three sisters in 15 minutes.

5/15/2005 1:40 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

no this is the first time you mentioned him. what he do to get slapped, try and make them listen to his demo?

5/15/2005 5:12 PM  
Blogger beakerkin said...

No listining to his demo might have got him killed.

A lady says hello because he used to dater her sister. He told her I don't remember you with your clothes on. She smacked him and leaves the resturant. Another sister walks in and he tells her he doesn't remember her upright. He gets slapped again. Finaly the sister who he dated came in and he remarked why she is not a natural blondeand it was not the hair on her head.Smacked by three sisters on one lunch break.

5/15/2005 9:14 PM  

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