Monday, September 04, 2006


College rules!! I will probably post infrequently now [as if I haven't already]. This message would have come sooner, but it took over a day to get the internet to work. I hope to continue to visit some of the great sites still- Long Range, Beaks, Beamish's, etc.



Blogger beakerkin said...

There will be plenty of late nights, but try to avoid the idiotic speakins. Football games are another great past time. Baruch never had a football team, but we did have a replacement player in the NFL. There was one idiot who filed for the NBA Draft I think his name was Rheinhard Schmuck known as the Rhino. It was a bad publicity stunt, but it made the papers.

9/04/2006 4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What up drum, cant figure out why you dont get more feedback from your site. Your knowledge of music is vast, comprehensive, maybe too much so for the current pop culture.I always liked checking in. One of the better sites i have come across, like beak and warren. Most of the shit you stroll through is garbage.

9/18/2006 7:54 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


good to see you again. if you get this, i was wondering if you would be interested in becoming a partner on my blog. you have good knowledge of true music, and maybe you can help boost my post numbers.

9/24/2006 5:03 PM  

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